I don't know enough to be sure, but please let me know if this isn't the right place to be asking this question.
I am trying to merge a series of pdfs saved to a single folder using a tool called pdftk (https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/) that runs from the terminal. To do this, I would like to include in my .do file the following shell commands:
loc save "/Users/my name/Desktop" loc title "title of my document" ... putpdf save "`save'/part1_name1.pdf", replace ... putpdf save "`save'/partN_nameN.pdf", replace if c(os) == "MacOSX" { !cd "`save'" && pdftk part*.pdf cat output "`title'.pdf" !cd "`save'" && rm part*.pdf } if c(os) == "Windows" { !cd "`save'" && pdftk.exe part*.pdf cat output "`title'.pdf" !cd "`save'" && del part*.pdf } di "See `save'/`title'.pdf"
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I am using STATA 15.1 and have macOS High Sierra version 10.13.6. Additionally, I have pdftk 2.02.
Thanks in advance.
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