Hi all,
I am using coefplot to create a graph of ORs for odds of contraceptive discontinuation by method. I have quite a few covariates in my model. I'd like to produce this graph, but with headings or groups to identify the covariates, which are all categorical variables.

coefplot allreason_total allreason_pill allreason_iud allreason_inj allreason_condom , plotlabels("total" "pill" "iud" "inj" "condom" ) eform xline(1) yla(, labsize(tiny)) msize(tiny) legend(r(1) size(vsmall)) xla(, labsize(tiny)) drop(_cons *parity_new *v190 *urban *marital_status *limit *prevuser_switch)

I found two ways to do it using headings() or groups(), but they all seem to require the inclusion of the reference category, which I don't want to include in the graph. For example, here is the group heading for region, you'll see the reference categories for all covariates are now included.

coefplot allreason_total allreason_pill allreason_iud allreason_inj allreason_condom , plotlabels("total" "pill" "iud" "inj" "condom" ) eform xline(1) yla(, labsize(tiny)) msize(tiny) legend(r(1) size(vsmall)) xla(, labsize(tiny)) drop(_cons *parity_new *v190 *urban *marital_status *limit *prevuser_switch) omitted baselevels groups(?.region2 = "{bf:Region}" )

Does anyone know a work around for this?

Thank you!