This is the link for the risk calculator
I found this on some website (not the official one),
Terms CAC = (Age * 0.0172) + (Sex * 0.4079) + ((Race == 1?1:0) * 0.0353) + ((Race == 2?1:0) * -0.3475) + ((Race == 3?1:0) * -0.0222) + (Diabetes * 0.3892) + (Smoker * 0.3717) + (Totalcholesterol * 0.0043) - (HDLcholesterol * 0.0114) + (On lipid-lowering medication * 0.1206) + (Systolic blood pressure * 0.0066) + (On hypertension medication * 0.2278) + (Family history of MI * 0.3239) + (ln(CAC + 1) * 0.2743) |
10-year risk CAC = 100 * (1 - 0.99833e(Terms CAC)) |
I really appreciate any advice.
Thanks a lot
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