Good day everyone, I have a strange request/question but I have no where to ask. I am a physician who is doing research, there is a tool to predict cardiovascular outcomes using an equation on a website I will attach here, my question is, is there a way to get the equation that is used to calculate the patient risk based on the entries used on the website (like a Stata or SAS equation) that can automatically calculate this risk for large number of patients instead of doing so manually on each one of them?

This is the link for the risk calculator

I found this on some website (not the official one),
Terms CAC = (Age * 0.0172) + (Sex * 0.4079) + ((Race == 1?1:0) * 0.0353) + ((Race == 2?1:0) * -0.3475) + ((Race == 3?1:0) * -0.0222) + (Diabetes * 0.3892) + (Smoker * 0.3717) + (Totalcholesterol * 0.0043) - (HDLcholesterol * 0.0114) + (On lipid-lowering medication * 0.1206) + (Systolic blood pressure * 0.0066) + (On hypertension medication * 0.2278) + (Family history of MI * 0.3239) + (ln(CAC + 1) * 0.2743)
10-year risk CAC = 100 * (1 - 0.99833e(Terms CAC))
I tried the above on excel and it did not give me right results, do you think if this was applied on Stata it would work ?

I really appreciate any advice.
Thanks a lot