I am currently working on a panel data set where I have to create dummy variables based on firm market value (rmarkval variable). I have to define firms as small or large depending if their unique rmarkval based on idgvkey exceeds their median rmarkval value. If it exceeds then they should be considered as a large firm. I am currently running these commands but it counts every single observation for each idgvkey. How do I do that it sorts out firms based on their unique idgvkey and gives me a unique result (that if the firm is large or not based on their idgvkey)?
gen large=0 by idgvkey: replace large=1 if rmarkval>mkvalmedian egen nlarge=sum(large), by(idgvkey) egen _Unique= sum(large), by(idgvkey) replace _Unique = . if idgvkey[_n]==idgvkey[_n-1] by idgvkey: gen largeee=1 if nlarge>(_Unique/2) egen nlargeee=sum(largeee), by(idgvkey) drop large nlarge largeee rename nlargeee large
Thanks for your time!
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