My database has over 1300 cases, and it is multiple imputed, with the multiple imputation command mi generating 50 imputed datasets. The dependent variable is Activity (continuous), and the model adjusts it by a number of covariates, both continuous and categorical, and the baseline value of the dependent variable Activity_b. The model also includes 3 fixed effects: treatment (with values 1,2,3), centre (with values 1,2,3,4 for the participating sites) and frailty (with categories frail, pre-frail and no frail), and one random effect defined by Couple - to account for cluster-randomisation of individuals in a couple to the same treatment .
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double Activity byte treatment double centre float frailty double Activity_b int Couple . 2 1 2 682.0952380952385 1 . 2 1 1 732.4722222222217 2 739.7619047619044 2 1 1 669.7380952380956 2 853.2222222222217 1 1 1 870.5714285714286 4 622.2619047619044 3 1 1 588.6666666666671 5 . 1 1 2 699.5476190476186 6 . 3 1 1 631.305555555555 7 805.8809523809529 1 1 1 737.3095238095242 8 . 2 1 1 739.2380952380956 9 . 2 1 1 644.305555555555 10 . 2 1 1 697.2857142857143 10 788.5714285714286 3 1 1 768.8809523809529 12 766.7857142857143 1 1 0 761.0476190476186 13 640.4047619047615 2 1 0 657.7857142857143 14 . 3 1 0 695.6666666666671 15 . 3 1 2 714.7619047619044 16 793.3095238095242 3 1 0 776.2619047619044 17 746.97619047619 3 1 0 751.0714285714286 17 . 2 1 2 799.3333333333329 19 . 2 1 0 845 20 end label values frailty frailty_lbl label def frailty_lbl 0 "No frail", modify label def frailty_lbl 1 "Pre-frail", modify label def frailty_lbl 2 "Frail", modify
The command is
mi estimate: mixed Activity i.treatment i.centre i.frailty $cov Activity_b || Couple:, residuals (independent, by (centre))
global cov "covariate1 covariate2 covariate3"
Thanks a lot !
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