Dear Stata listers
I'm a little confused. I want to calculate a manova with imputed data (mi estimate mvreg and mi test).

On this road I encountered the following problem.

I want to replicate the anova results with the mvreg-command.

sysuse auto, clear
anova    price      rep78##foreign
mvreg price = rep78##foreign
test [price]1.foreign
test [price]2.rep78 [price]3.rep78 [price]4.rep78 [price]5.rep78
test [price]1.foreign#2.rep78 [price]1.foreign#3.rep78  [price]1.foreign#4.rep78  [price]1.foreign#5.rep78
The f-values of the interaction term are equal in anova and test after mvreg. But the f-values of foreign and rep78 are different?
Did I misunderstand something here or where's my fault?
