I want to run one-sample test of proportion using following data and save p-val for each obs.
prtesti #obs1 #p1 #p2

I tried the following program. The program is working for fist values only. Can someone tell me where is the problem with my program?


gen pval=.
local N = _N
forvalues i = 1/`N' {
prtesti `=obs1' `=p1' `=p2'
local p= 2*(normprob(-abs(r(z))))
replace pval=`p'
obs1 p1 p2 pval
1273314 0.5256 0.5150
1631438 0.5278 0.5150
1686524 0.5214 0.5150
1980880 0.5298 0.5120
8187141 0.5158 0.5175
5386442 0.5193 0.5175
4701894 0.4823 0.5173
4232052 0.5311 0.5170