Dear Statalists,

I am new to Stata. I have one inquiry on performing the CEO-firm fixed effects for an example of panel data as shown below:
Year CEO Name Firm CEO firm_id
1996 John A 1
1997 John A 1
1998 John A 1
1999 John B 2
2000 John B 2
1996 Mary C 3
1997 Mary C 3
1998 Mary C 3
1999 Mary C 3
1996 Tim D 4
1997 Tim D 4
1998 Tim D 4
1999 Tim E 5
2000 Tim E 5
2001 Tim F 6
2002 Tim F 6
Year refers to the calendar year, Firm is the name (for example) of the company the CEO works. CEO firm_id is the identifier which changes if a CEO changes his/her firm. For example, Tim acts as CEO for firm D from 1996-1998, and firm E from 1999-2000, and firm F from 2001-2002. Thus, the corresponding CEO firm_id for Tim is 4 when he stays in firm D, 5 in firm E, and 6 in firm F. On the other hand, Mary, who stays in firm C and never changes her firm, then the identifier remains to be 3.

My inquiry is: if I "xtset CEO firm_id" and then run the "xtreg...., fe" , can the regression results be viewed as CEO-firm fixed effects? (I will not consider year fixed effects here).

Many thanks in advance.
