The package can be installed using:
ssc install ritest
The current version on SSC is an updated version of the Stata Journal code with several bugfixes and a few new features. The full change-log is available here:
For regular updates and bugfixes, I recommend installing the package through my github, which is easy:
net describe ritest, from(
The syntax of the command is close to that of Stata’s permute. For example, to conduct randomization inference after clustered & stratified treatment assignment, using the t-statistic of an ATE regression as the evaluation statistic run:
ritest treatment (_b[treatment]/_se[treatment]), cluster(class_id) strata(school_id): reg y treatment x
Or if, instead of permuting, one wants to apply the original randomization script to perform the re-randomizations one, but this time use the coefficient estimate as the evaluation statistic, simply write:
ritest treatment _b[treatment], samplingprogram(assignment_programm) samplingprogramoptions("school(school_id) class(class_id)"): reg y treatment x
For questions/requests please use the github issue-tracking system:
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