Thanks to Kit Baum, -ritest- is now available for download from SSC. -ritest- is a module to conduct randomization inference and permutation tests, allowing for arbitrary randomization procedures

The package can be installed using:
 ssc install ritest
A previous version of the command was published alongside a short Stata Journal article explaining how to use the command to perform various variants of randomization inference in Stata. The article is published here: With the ritest-command it becomes very easy to perform randomization inference for any kind of command in Stata. -ritest- is flexible enough to work with arbitrarily complex randomization methods. In particular it is very easy to deal with clustered randomization, pairwise randomization, or user-written any randomization routines in Stata.

The current version on SSC is an updated version of the Stata Journal code with several bugfixes and a few new features. The full change-log is available here:

For regular updates and bugfixes, I recommend installing the package through my github, which is easy:
net describe ritest, from(
Important updates will also be pushed to SSC.

The syntax of the command is close to that of Stata’s permute. For example, to conduct randomization inference after clustered & stratified treatment assignment, using the t-statistic of an ATE regression as the evaluation statistic run:
ritest treatment (_b[treatment]/_se[treatment]), cluster(class_id) strata(school_id): reg y treatment x
(This just permutes treatment across classes within strata and computes the t-statistic of the ATE for each permutation)

Or if, instead of permuting, one wants to apply the original randomization script to perform the re-randomizations one, but this time use the coefficient estimate as the evaluation statistic, simply write:
ritest treatment _b[treatment], samplingprogram(assignment_programm) samplingprogramoptions("school(school_id) class(class_id)"): reg y treatment x
(This repeatedly calls a program that re-assigns treatment. The user has to define the program beforehand: assignment_programm, school(schoold_id) class(class_id))

For questions/requests please use the github issue-tracking system: