
I am having some issues with metatrim. I checked previous posts and I am having the same problem as the other users that no trimming performed. I have been thinking that maybe it is because of the negative ES that was obtained in my case. My data is continuous and I have looked at MD. I have tried three different ways:
1. When I typed in the command: metatrim _ES _seES, reffect funnel print, no trimming is performed.
2. When I ignore the negative sign for the ES, the trim and fill works but issue is random effect asymptotic p value is 0.009.
3. When I looked at help metatrim there is a note section that theta must be manually generated as log of ES for raw data. Ignoring the negative signs again and performing metatrim on ln_ES _seES worked and gave me a p value of 0.242.

I have been playing around and what is actually happening, this confuses me. Anyone can please share their experiences or a way to work around.

Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,