Hi, I need to overlay two different combomarginsplot but I am struggling to do so because this is not a twoway type graph. Is it possible to overlay it without the "twoway" command? Here is the combine of the two graphs that I want to overlay.


The comands I'm using are the following.

combomarginsplot "margins/iso_m0" "margins/iso_m1" "margins/iso_m2" "margins/iso_m3" "margins/iso_m4" ,  ///
    recast(line) recastci(rarea) plotopts(lcolor(ebblue*1.75)) ciopts(color(ebblue*.5%20)) ///
    legend(off)    label("Sem Política" "Dist. 1" "Dist. 2" "Dist. 3" "Dist. 4") ///
    ytitle("Isolamento previsto") xtitle("") ///
    ylab(.4(.05).5, gmin gmax labsize(small)) yscale(range(.4 .52)) graphr(color(white)) ///
    title("Todos os Municípios", size(medium)) name(iso_m, replace)
combomarginsplot "margins/iso_c0" "margins/iso_c1" "margins/iso_c2" "margins/iso_c3" "margins/iso_c4", ///
    recast(line) recastci(rarea) plotopts(lcolor(red*1.75)) ciopts(color(red*.5%20)) legend(off) ///
    label("Sem Política" "Dist. 1" "Dist. 2" "Dist. 3" "Dist. 4") ///
    ytitle("Isolamento previsto") xtitle("") ///
    ylab(.4(.05).5, gmin gmax labsize(small)) yscale(range(.4 .52)) graphr(color(white)) ///
    title("Capitais", size(medium)) name(iso_c, replace)
gr combine iso_m iso_c, rows(1) cols(1) graphr(color(white))