Dear Statalist,

I've been looking at the graphs manual and couldn't find an answer to this.

I am reporting the mean of a variable (on the Y-axis) by year (on the X-axis).
The mean varies hugely, from ~0 to ~500. If I do nothing, STATA's output isn't very informative, and you cannot make anything from it. However, I do not want to take the Natural log or scale that variable.

In R, one can scale the Y-axis itself so instead of normal increments of say 0, 10, 20, 30 it will grow exponentially: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 etc, with the space space between each tick.

Can you please tell me if/how I can do that in STATA? (I am using the latest version).Array

I'm attaching a drawing of my issue. I hope it will make it clearer.

Thank you in advance.