Im doing my master thesis and im not that good at STATA so I really need some help to begin!
I have six sheets on excel that each represent an variable (e.g wage, productivity, productprice). Most of the variables has information about 18 industries over 39 quarters (timeline 1.quarter 2009-3.quarter 2018).
So my questions are:
1) How do I add all those sheets to STATA? (I could just find information about two sheets and when i tried to merge two sheets it didnt work with quarter as key variable maybe because quarter is a string variable?)
2) How can I collect all the data into one variable. I dont know how to explain it but I have one sheet for productivity with the information about industries and the timeline but I want to make all that data the productivity variable (if its even possible?)
Im going to analyze how wage is affected by productivity, productprice ++
My equation is: wc=β_0+β_1 p+β_2 prod+β_3 cpi+β_4 u+β_5 wa
Hope that wasnt too confusing and that somebody could help me out!

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