Dear all,

Hope you all are doing well.

I have graphical results of K-fold cross-validation checks and I am wondering how to interpret those results precisely. In fact, the K-fold cross-validation checks were used to compare models performance of counts data, including Negative Binomial Regression I (NB1), Hurdle-NB1, Hurdle-NB2, and Zero-inflated NB2. Followings are author's interpretations "Figure 8.7 shows a comparison of the NB models for the number of office-based visits. Although the NB2 model is the worse performer for each replicate, its hurdle counterpart performs quite well - either the best or close to the best-performing model" By Deb, Norton, and Manning.


Note: NB1 is the first bar, Hurdle-NB2 is the second, Hurdle-NB1 is the third, and Zi-NB2 is the fourth. The figure is taken from Health Econometrics Using Stata Book written by Deb, Norton, and Manning.

Results of log likelihood, AIC, and BIC are presented below.
                        K      LogLik         AIC         BIC
     Poisson          37  -10682.042   21438.085    21729.36
         NB2          38  -9995.2177   20066.435   20365.583
         NB1          38  -10020.414   20116.828   20415.976
Hurdle_Poi~n          74  -10118.265   20384.531   20967.082
  Hurdle_NB2          75  -9947.3831   20044.766   20635.189
  Hurdle_NB1          75  -10057.127   20264.254   20854.677
         ZIP          74  -10113.589   20375.177   20957.728
       ZINB2          75  -9937.9712   20025.942   20616.365
Could anyone help me understand the figure more clearly?

Thank you and have a nice wk!