Hey all

I am trying to get the mean and the standard deviation from a variable. I know how to do it without svy:
sum lnhourly    if    immigrant==1

Variable        Obs    Mean    Std. Dev.    Min    Max
lnhourlyw        42,245    3.654568    .4636835    2.620039    5.012237
But i am not getting it, if I want to use svy (pweight) command. I can only get the mean, but not the standard deviation:

 svy: mean lnhourly if immigrant==1
(running mean on estimation sample)

Survey: Mean estimation

Number of strata =       1        Number of obs   =     42,245
Number of PSUs   =  42,245        Population size =  3,184,865
                                  Design df       =     42,244

             |             Linearized
             |       Mean   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
   lnhourlyw |   3.610175   .0025817      3.605115    3.615235