Colleagues: My objective is to store a string-valued variable in Stata using some Mata code. One of the characters I want to include in the string is "•" (I'm not sure of its ASCII/Unicode value; it's alt-8 on a Mac keyboard).
I'm having difficulty doing this using
st_store although
getmata seems to work fine. Here's a simplified example
set obs 5
gen str1 s1=""
mata: z=J(5,1,"•")
mata: st_sstore(.,"s1",z)
getmata z
list s1 z
This returns:
| s1 z |
1. | � • |
2. | � • |
3. | � • |
4. | � • |
5. | � • |
I can certainly proceed using
getmata but I'm wondering if anyone has an idea why
st_sstore doesn't seem to work here while
getmata does. Thanks in advance.
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