My question is rather simple but since i am very new to econometrics I am struggling a bit. . I have a panel data set of 605 public companies across 20 industries for a period of 10 years (2008-2017). First, I am trying to do a Pooled OLS regression but i am not entirely sure how exactly i should run the code.
My dependent variable is Return on Assets (ROA), my independent is customer-base concentration (BCR), my moderating variable is Customer Type (CT) binary indicating 0 for Company and 1 for the Government and i have few control variables.I am interested in the effects of my independent variable BCR on ROA and the moderation effect of CT. I am trying to figure out which is the most appropriate regress command given my data.
This is how my data looks like.
ID Year BCR CT ROA I NC CA FS RG MS GDPG GEG HHI 1 2008 .0686031 0 .09834008 34 3 36 17.631551 .08070548 .00072498 -.292 .08514918 .03974101 1 2009 .04000135 0 .06717247 34 1 37 17.56051 -.16179479 .00070308 -2.776 .15207504 .03890317 1 2010 .04409807 0 .05189488 34 1 38 17.719118 .06334225 .00076577 2.532 -.01793981 .04010741 1 2011 .03999782 0 .05090363 34 1 39 17.826872 .13850918 .0007792 1.601 .04079933 .03907887 1 2012 .04329927 0 .05232352 34 2 40 18.032486 .13118407 .00094437 2.224 -.01865988 .04638447 1 2013 .04810036 0 .05879934 34 2 41 18.036179 .05812876 .00087609 .01677 -.02521739 .03570392 1 2014 .0340006 0 .06038483 34 2 42 18.18885 .16456511 .00104287 .02569 .01597262 .03560585 1 2015 .02879808 0 .05887916 34 2 43 18.215144 .02358576 .00109453 .02862 .04934924 .03175518 1 2016 .03169894 0 .06355223 34 2 44 18.338016 .11849985 .00126561 .01485 .04282377 .03257272 1 2017 .03770084 0 .0353177 34 2 45 18.558092 .04577556 .00126758 .02273 .03239578 .03572151 2 2008 .3700219 1 -.05309908 36 2 30 17.237229 -.40683181 .00001877 -.292 .08514918 .00400398 2 2009 .47557653 1 .07520448 36 2 31 17.262987 .31490943 .00002982 -2.776 .15207504 .00416665 2 2010 .53841282 1 -.01896988 36 2 32 17.364898 -.07840795 .00002342 2.532 -.01793981 .00411381 2 2011 .4385088 1 -.01548027 36 2 33 17.276454 -.07675075 .00002109 1.601 .04079933 .00457852 2 2012 .44370862 1 .06080683 36 2 34 17.340694 .12590659 .00003511 2.224 -.01865988 .0107515 2 2013 .47561341 1 .03356553 36 2 35 17.342547 -.02046405 .00002362 .01677 -.02521739 .005485 2 2014 .46248789 1 .04388147 36 2 36 17.42605 .12747409 .00002721 .02569 .01597262 .00572547 2 2015 .4212063 1 .0263885 36 2 37 17.490519 -.04202274 .00002602 .02862 .04934924 .0057234 2 2016 .48851316 1 .06320515 36 2 38 17.566049 .41364004 .0000456 .01485 .04282377 .00633841 2 2017 .49249657 1 -.08471765 36 2 39 17.572072 -.28668613 .00003354 .02273 .03239578 .00676919
regress ROA BCR Controls i.CT##c.BCR
regress ROA BCR Controls i.I i.Year i.CT##c.BCR
regress ROA BCR Controls i.I##c.BCR if CT==0 OR 1
xtreg ROA BCR Controls, fe
xtreg ROA BCR Controls i.Year, fe
Thanks everyone in advance!
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