I have a problem labeling plot using twoway command.
I am plotting scatter with line of best fit together where I use the twoway command. However, I cannot label the plots by bench.
This is my raw data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str5 bench float(StateWins shrinesper1000) "abohc" .4228856 0 "banhc" .5753425 .013336194 "dikhc" .51754385 .00256476 "hydhc" .5224359 .010040317 "islhc" .3741007 0 "karhc" .4391026 .003207205 "kashc" .368 .010207728 "khyhc" .6451613 0 "larhc" .4615385 .007298633 "lhrhc" .4746988 0 "mulhc" .3854749 .003135484 "phc" .4971098 .0018573207 "quehc" .426087 0 "rwphc" .462069 .0011151128 "sibhc" .4277108 .005543299 "sukhc" .6610879 .01560029 end
twoway (scatter StateWins shrinesper1000) (lfit StateWins shrinesper1000), mlabel(bench)
Now I know, that I can obtain labelled scatter plot through:
scatter StateWins shrinesper1000, mlabe l(bench)
Help in this regard will be really appreciated. Thank you!!
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