Hello there: I'm preparing to process data for a survey of 500 people. Alongside other standard social survey questions, each respondent identified a maximum of seven contacts and indicated the ties between those contacts. The data for each respondent is recorded in 21 dummy variables, each of which represents a tie between two contacts. I have created 21 new variables in which the connections are recorded in edgelist format (1,2 etc).
I can create individual edgelist files for each of these, but I wonder whether it is possible to work directly with the 'horizontal' edgelists that I have created within the survey dataset?
I plan to include network measures such as centrality, constraint, brokerage, etc., in the analysis alongside social isolation, integration, income, and so on.
I am looking for a way to handle the rather numerous networks as efficiently as possible.
Look forward to any suggestions.
Peter King
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