Hello everyone,

I am trying to do the analysis with diff-in-diff estimation method and bumped into the question,

I have four groups for estimation. Group 1 - control group, Group 2 - agricultural extension, Group 3 - marketing extension, Group 4 - agricultural and marketing extension services.
All treatment variables are dummy, 1- received the treatment (extension service), 0- did not receive.
I want to see the program (extension service) effect/impact through difference-in-difference method on the "adoption of a new technology" (dummy variable 1-adopted, 0-not adopted) and "adoption intensity" (takes value from 0 to infinity). I have a two period panel data set.

I had only done before the common binary treatment case of a group having the treatment and group having no treatment.
How then I could specify the regression framework for such case?
Do I have to split the full panel into 3 different panels, for each treatment?
Any helpful material. I have been browsing in google but can't find one.

Thank you in advance