I have many regressions (one per year, over 15 years) for 4 outcome variables. I have created 2 [15x4] matrices: one with the coefficients and one with the t-statistics. I am stuck now that I want to tabulate them in the classic way, each row having the coefficients for each model and under them the respective t-statistics between brackets. I can tabulate a single matrix but even using estadd I wasn't able to obtain said result.

This is my code:
*creates matrix of all results row(year) column(outcome)
matrix OLS_years = r_Mall, r_hotMall, r_totMall, r_irpMall matrix list OLS_years matrix TSTATS = ex_Tall, hot_Tall, tot_Tall, irp_Tall matrix list TSTATS
This bit only produces a table with the coefficients:
     estout matrix(OLS_years), ///      cells(OLS_years TSTATS(par)) ///      stats(N, fmt(0) labels ("No. of Obs." )) ///      starlevels(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.001) ///      varwidth(20) ///      modelwidth(12) ///      delimiter(&) ///      end(\\) ///      prehead(`"\begin{tabular}{l*{4}{c}}"' `"\toprule"') ///      posthead("\midrule") ///      prefoot("\midrule") ///      postfoot(`"\bottomrule"' `"\multicolumn{@span}{l}{\footnotesize t-statistics in parentheses}\\"' `"\multicolumn{@span}{l}{\footnotesize *** p{$<$}0.01; ** p{$<$}0.05; * p{$<$}0.10.}\\"' `"\end{tabular}"') ///      varlabels(_cons Constant, end("" \addlinespace) nolast) ///      eqlabels(, begin("\midrule" "") nofirst) ///      substitute(_ \_ "\_cons " \_cons) ///      interaction(" $\times$ ") ///      notype ///      level(95) ///      style(esttab)
Could anyone help? Thanks