I'm attempting to import data in a CSV file, where almost all variable values are surrounded by single quotes (apostrophes), as well as being comma delimited. I'd like to remove the single quotes so that I can destring and work with the values. Insheet and import delimited work fine as far as the commas go. I could clearly run through the vars with a loop and something like substr to remove the offending quotes, restricting to leading and trailing characters, and then destring the appropriate variables. But is there a simpler way to do it, perhaps an option for import delimited that I'm not realizing?

Here are the top few lines of the data:
'11000001','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','30','1',30 ,'1','2','-6','1'
'11000002','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','16','2',11 000,'1','1','-6','1'

(It's the 2017 American Housing Survey National Public Use File, available here: https://www.census.gov/programs-surv...ile--puf-.html)