Dear All, My data is
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int year float(small weektime)
2002 0 53.25639
2002 1 52.98295
2003 0 52.87574
2003 1 52.66016
2004 0 50.83986
2004 1 48.46468
2005 0  48.4365
2005 1 47.93169
2006 0 48.16488
2006 1  47.5939
I have the following graphical command
twoway (line weektime year if small==1, lp(dash)) (line weektime year if small==0) ///
(scatter weektime year if small==1, ms(Oh)) (scatter weektime year if small==0, ms(Sh)), legend(off)
with outcomeArray
which needs some modifications to become

So, my questions are:
  1. How can I have A, B, etc on the graph?
  2. How can I have [t=1], [t=2], etc below the year?
  3. How can I draw a vertical line for each year?
Thanks in advance.