I am having this problem in Stata where whenever I run the regressions, I get different results. I checked online for help and particularly Statalist entries and at most places it is said that it might be a sorting by group problem. However, nowhere in my code, I sort the data.
I am thinking perhaps my data row entries are not unique and that is causing the problem. Is this possible?
In any case, this is my sample data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str5 bench int yeardecision byte StateWins float caselag double(NewJudges_TotalJudges ProbRetirement) float DoB int serial_no float AgeatAppointment byte Former_Lawyer int yearfiled byte judge_number str1 AFR byte(criminal pagesjudgenum) "abohc" 2009 1 6 0 0 -1098 5987 51.85763 1 2003 3 "" 0 8 "abohc" 2014 0 8 .6666666666666666 .7777777777777778 . 2176 . 1 2006 3 "0" 0 1 "abohc" 2014 0 1 .6666666666666666 .7777777777777778 -2448 4132 60.42984 1 2013 1 "" 0 5 "abohc" 2015 1 1 .6666666666666666 .7777777777777778 3397 2858 45.82888 1 2014 1 "" 0 6 "abohc" 2011 0 3 .5555555555555556 .6666666666666666 -179 3736 50.6256 1 2008 1 "" 0 3 "abohc" 1991 . . 0 0 . . . . . . "" . . "abohc" 2014 0 3 .6666666666666666 .7777777777777778 -2172 1904 57.43464 1 2011 3 "1" 0 14 "abohc" 1990 1 5 0 0 -11662 5944 53.88912 1 1985 1 "0" 0 28 "abohc" 2013 0 3 .6666666666666666 .7777777777777778 -1461 3221 54.13552 0 2010 1 "1" 0 1 "banhc" 1994 0 5 0 0 -9446 2935 60.45174 1 1989 3 "0" 0 20 "banhc" 2014 1 1 .3076923076923077 .38461538461538464 2768 5997 46.64202 1 2013 1 "0" 0 2 "banhc" 2015 0 5 .5384615384615384 .6153846153846154 -2393 133 58.86379 1 2010 1 "" 0 8 "banhc" 2009 1 6 0 0 -2946 4171 39.28268 1 2003 1 "0" 0 18 "banhc" 2001 1 3 0 0 -4065 1015 46.90212 1 1998 1 "1" 0 11 "banhc" 2015 0 1 .5384615384615384 .6153846153846154 472 6336 51.25804 1 2014 1 "" 0 9 "banhc" 1991 0 2 0 0 -11017 4636 55.46612 1 1989 1 "0" 0 23 "banhc" 1986 1 0 0 0 . 317 . 1 1986 2 "1" 1 12 "banhc" 2007 1 8 0 0 -3699 5372 52.78029 1 1999 1 "1" 0 5 "banhc" 1990 1 0 0 0 -9771 801 56.93634 1 1990 3 "0" 0 12 end format %td DoB
And I am running the regression of the following form which gives different results everytime:
global controls_case AgeatAppointment Former_Lawyer yearfiled judge_number AFR criminal pagesjudgenum ivregress 2sls StateWins (NewJudges_TotalJudges= ProbRetirement) i.yeardecision i.district_bench##c.yeardecision $controls_case, vce(cluster district_bench)
Any help in this regard will really be appreciated. Thank you.
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