I am working on a twoway plot where one data point is quite large compared to the rest. However, I do not want to exclude this point, but it would be nice to adjust the x-scale to range -.03 to .03 below, i.e. start from -.03 and not -.06.
In the graph below I have tried to illustrate what I am interested in: a graph starting at the blue line, then an arrow can indicate that the lowest data point here extends beyond -.03. It seems like -xscale(r())- does not cut the x-axis if there are data points outside the specified range.
Here is the code used to create the graph:
twoway (scatter y x, /// xline(0) /// xscale(r(-0.03(0.01)0.03)) /// xlabel(-0.03(0.01)0.03) /// (dropline x y base(0) horizontal)
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