Hi there,
This seems simple and basic statistics but I could not get my head around it.
Can someone helps me how we calculate an error margin for a given sample?
I have been calculating descriptive statistics just proportions of a given sample with difference sample characteristics variables. Then someone asked me to calculate an error margin of the sample give this as example to report (The survey was conducted on 2,012 respondents aged 25-49 years and was based on a sample adults with 95% confidence a given range contains the true result at a population level and an error margin of 2.2%.)
I calculated range and Ci but could not understand what it mean by an error margin (which reported in the previous work as 2.2%)and do I need to calculate an error margin for each sample profile variable or just there is only one error margin for a given sample dataset?
Thank you in advance,
Stata 15.1 user
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