Hi everyone, I have been looking at this for a while now and still cant figure out what's wrong. I have a few loops here to grab different datasets, run some regressions and then make some graphs. Bellow is the full code. I also want to select different samples in the dataset, so I am using the a loop to keep that sample.
 foreach conditional in r_wh retail {
  keep if `conditional'==1
. It runs the first interaction just right, but when it comes to the second one, it says that the second variable, in this case retail, doesn't exist. I know that because of the collapse and the reshape, the variable no longer exist, but isn't it just using a "clean dataset" and re running, just changing samples? Any tips to improve this. I guess, I could make different datasets but different samples, but I want to avoid that. I would appreciate if you can give me any feedback on what I am missing and how to improve it.
Thanks in advance.

foreach date in "2010-2012" "2011-2012" {
forvalues i = 1(1)2 {
  use  "$datadir\noncedereform_t`i'_`date'.dta", clear
  foreach conditional in r_wh retail {
  keep if `conditional'==1
  xtset ide period_day, daily
    * Winsorize when needed:
  foreach var in rtaxsale rnetliab {
  winsor2 `var', cuts(0 99.5) by(treatment month year) replace
  foreach var of varlist rtaxsale rnetliab {
  reg `var' c.treatment##c.post
  foreach x in se b {
  gen double p`x'_`var'=_`x'[c.treatment#c.post]
  replace  p`x'_`var'=round(p`x'_`var',0.001)
  local p`x'_`var'=p`x'_`var'
  local p`x'_`var': di %10.3f  `p`x'_`var''

  collapse (mean) rtaxsale rnetliab (sd) sdtaxsale=rtaxsale sdnetliab=rnetliab (count) count_firms=rtaxsale, by(period_day treatment month year)
  replace count_firms=count_firms^0.5
  foreach name in taxsale netliab {
  gen v_`name'=(sd`name'/count_firms)*1.96
  gen lower_`name'=r`name'-v_`name'
  gen upper_`name'=r`name'+v_`name'
  gen mean_`name'=r`name'
  foreach type in lower upper mean {
  bysort treatment: egen double pre`type'_`name'=mean(`type'_`name') if year<2012
  bysort treatment: egen double pre`type'_`name'd=mean(pre`type'_`name')
  gen double r`type'`name'_p50_sc=`type'_`name'/pre`type'_`name'd
  keep r*_p50_sc period_day treatment month year 

  reshape wide r*_p50_sc month year, i(period_day) j(treatment)
  drop year1
  drop month1
  sort period_day
  gen n=_n
  gen n2=n if year0==2012 & month0==1
  egen reforma=mean(n2)
  gen dis=n-reforma
  egen minxaxis=min(dis)
  replace minxaxis=minxaxis+2
  local textx=minxaxis
  egen taxrowmax=rowmax(ruppertaxsale_p50_sc0 ruppertaxsale_p50_sc1)
  egen taxcolmax=max(taxrowmax)
  replace taxcolmax=(0.8*taxcolmax+0.2)
  local taxaxis=taxcolmax
  egen liabrowmax=rowmax(ruppernetliab_p50_sc0  ruppernetliab_p50_sc1)
  egen liabcolmax=max(liabrowmax)
  replace liabcolmax=(0.8*liabcolmax+0.2)
  local liabaxis=liabcolmax
  twoway (line rmeantaxsale_p50_sc0 dis, lcolor(navy) lp(solid)) (line rmeantaxsale_p50_sc1 dis, lp(dash)), ///
  tlabel(, labsize(vsmall) angle(vertical)) tline(0) ///
  graphregion(color(white)) ylabel(, labsize(vsmall)) legend(order(1 "Control Group" 2 "Treatment Group") rows(1) size(vsmall)) ///
  ytitle(Standard Tax Sale, size(vsmall)) xtitle(year, size(vsmall)) text(`taxaxis' `textx'  "OLS: `pb_rtaxsale' (`pse_rtaxsale')", place(e) orient(horizontal) size(vsmall))
  graph export "`conditional' output VAT noncede did std treatment`i'_`date'.png", replace