Hi all

I wonder if its possible add mean, sd and median names to a table output , example:

set more off
webuse auto, clear

table foreign rep78, c(mean mpg sd mpg median mpg) replace
          |            Repair Record 1978            
 Car type |     1        2        3        4        5
 Domestic | 21.000    19.125    19.000    18.444    32.000
          | 4.243    3.758    4.086    4.586    2.828
          | 21.000    18.000    19.000    18.000    32.000
  Foreign |                   23.333    24.889    26.333
          |                   2.517    2.713    9.367
          |                   23.000    25.000    25.000
I am thinking in something like this:
          |            Repair Record 1978            
 Car type |     1        2        3        4        5
 Domestic Mean| 21.000    19.125    19.000    18.444    32.000
         Sd   | 4.243    3.758    4.086    4.586    2.828
      Median  | 21.000    18.000    19.000    18.000    32.000
  Foreign Mean |                   23.333    24.889    26.333
            Sd |                   2.517    2.713    9.367
        Median |                   23.000    25.000    25.000