
I want to compare percentages across tables. So, for example I want to test if investor_A invest more in the seed stage of a startup than investor_B. I could do it with dummys for the funding type and a ttest but is there a better way in stata?

. tab fundingtype if investor_A == 1
            Funding Type |      Freq.     Percent  
                    Seed |      1,230       65.15      
                Series A |        461       24.42      
                Series B |        197       10.43  
                   Total |      1,888      100.00
. tab fundingtype if investor_B == 1
            Funding Type |      Freq.     Percent  
                    Seed |      1,030       62.43      
                Series A |        300       18.18      
                Series B |        320       19.39  
                   Total |      1,650      100.00
Kind regards