Dear Forum members,
I am a beginner in Stata and working on the thesis. I am trying to implement the following Panzar and Rose model in Stata:
ln II = α + β ln AFR + γ ln PPE + δ ln PCE + ∑ ξj ln BSFj + η ln OI + error, where II (interest income) , AFR (annual funding rate), PPE ( personal expenses); PCE (price of capital expenditure) ; BFS (Bank specific exogenous factors; and OI (ratio of other income to total assets).
I would really appreciate any tips or advice regarding how to implement in STATA this regression model or just a regression model similar. I understand that I should 1) use the command regress , 2) label my data in excel including the independent variables of this equation (AFR, PPE, etc.. ), 3) import the data file in Stata, but not really sure how.
Thank you
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