dear listers,

I would like to fill in the cell with a variable name showing the highest value in a row from the variables list. In other words, if there are variables A,b and C, and their weights are 1.5, 1.6, and 1.9, respectively, I would like to show 'A' because the variable presenting highest number in a row. This is totally same to the previous post.

However, my code returns 'no observations'.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double(Ashley Avonmouth Bedminster)
.47862031997167737  1.532034471353277   .335260066474374
194.98321551370202  765.8470150728051  862.8241100970403
1.0459228370345555 1.6267469649369481 .36140040372976157
.47862031997167737  1.532034471353277   .335260066474374
1.6624821901728994  5.725894733221313 3.0836531482405807

 local vars   Ashley-Bedminster 
 *local vars Ashley-WindmillHill
egen  m2=rowmax(`vars')  
gen m=""

foreach var of local vars { 
replace m = "`var'" if m2==`vars'
tab m
Any help would be much appreciated. Probably I have missed very basic coding grammar.

Kind regards,
