Dear all,

As a robustness check, I'm computing the Oster bounds on unobservables for a range of outcomes of interest. I use the psacalc command in Stata 14 as shown below. The command itself works fine and the delta is stored correctly in r(delta).

xtset id7
xi: xtreg y x1 x2 $controls, fe vce(cluster id7)
psacalc delta x1
estadd scalar delta1 = r(delta)
psacalc delta x2
estadd scalar delta2 = r(delta)
esttab est* using "...", ... stats(delta1 delta2 r2 N) ...
The issue comes when I try to export the delta along with the main regression results. When I run the estadd command I get the following error:
estimates __000003 not found
Do you know what the problem is and how to fix it? The same format using estadd works fine for means, for example, and I've made sure all commands are up-to-date.

Many thanks,
