Im Im ing find the the relative extent of the Bias suing psacalc (Emily Oster 2017). I've a household fixed effect (hhid) regression using xtreg.
My regression command is as follows
xtset hhid
xtreg y x1 x2 x3 [pweight=sampleweight], fe cluster(hhid)
This regression command works fine and I get the results on the stata window .
Next I try to do psacalc for independent variable x1 with relevant delta and beta values respectively.
psacalc beta x1, delta(1)
But I get an error "Last test not found" . I get the same error for psacalc delta.
However when I repeat the same thing for a fixed effect regression that is not weighted (ie without pweight) I don't get any such error.
Can someone please suggest how psacalc works for weighted regressions?
0 Response to Degree of Omitted Variable Bias -psacalc
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