Hello Statalist users,

I run the following code to produce this figure:

    eststo: reghdfe Man2Auto l.sharpe_ratio l.PercentAutoBid l.c.PercentAutoBid#l.c.PercentAutoBid ///
        l.inter2 l.inter3, a(LenderId hour LoanId) cluster(interaction)
            estadd local LenderId "Yes", replace
            estadd local hour "Yes", replace
            estadd local LoanId "Yes", replace
    est store AutoSwitching
        nlcom -_b[l.PercentAutoBid]/(2*_b[l.c.PercentAutoBid#l.c.PercentAutoBid])
    margins, at(l.PercentAutoBid = (0(0.1)1))
    marginsplot, /*
    */ plot1opts(lc(black) lp(longdash_dot)) ciopt(color(black)) plotopts(mcolor("black")) /*
    */ xline(.786, lstyle(grid) lp(longdash_dot) lc(maroon)) xti("Lag (Share Auto Bidding)") /*
    */ text(0.04 0.77 "Turning Point at 0.786", place(s) orient(vertical) color(black) size(small)) /*
    */ yti("Pr(Switch to Automatic = 1)") title("Panel B: Switching to Automatic") /*
    */ name(plot1, replace) nodraw

If I want to add the coefficients of sharpe_ratio at different Share Auto Bidding Levels, is that possible using the marginsplot command? For example, If I want to put the coefficient of sharpe_ratio when Share Auto Bidding is 0, then at level 0.1 then at 0.2 and so on.

Thank you for your time