Hello to everyone,

I was using sreweight as a reweighting command for one of my do files, when my co-author said there is also the possibility to use survwgt rake, but I don't understand what the difference is between them.
I want to use reweight to "link" my variables to a vector of external totals, a bit like the following:

matrix t=(1576705 \ 1673372 \ 1443468 \ 1460034 \ 119822 \ 226753)
sreweight tdgnM tdgnF tdms1 tdms2 tdms4 tdms5 , sweight(dwt) nweight(dwt01d) total(t) dfunction(mchi2)

would survwgt be an alternative or not? I am sorry if my question has been asked but I don't see it.
Thank you very much.