I am working with the following experiment data, where I have provided a sample below. The variables are
Unique for each person in a treatment,
Number of rounds for each person where max = 8 and each person has an observation for each round,
In each round, three players make a group and this is the group ID. In each round, players are randomly rematched again and new groups are formed,
Number of correct answers. These scores are given and does not change across rounds. The data on that is entered for all rounds for each player.
Number of correct answers.for task2. These scores are given and does not change across rounds.The data on that is entered for all rounds for each player.
Unique for each sessions. Two different sessions may have the same treatment but with different people.
Whether the person is selected as Leader or not. It is string variable with values "Leader" or "Member"
Whether the person was Voter initially or not. It is string variable with values "Voter", "Candidate 1", or "Candidate 2". In each group, one of these candidates is selected as the Leader.
Problem 1:
I want to create a variable that sorted by sessioncode Round P2_group_id. For each of these groups, I want to know the situation faced by voter. i.e. to generate variable x such that its value can be 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 depending on the following:
* Situation: If the voter faced two candidates such that one candidate scored strictly better in both tasks ; Value = 1 * If the voter faced two candidates such that both scored the same in both tasks ; Value = 2 * If the voter faced two candidates such that one candidate scored (strictly better in one task) AND (strictly worse in the other task) ; Value = 3 * If the voter faced two candidates such that they scored same in Task 1 but their scores in Task 2 were not the same ; Value = 4 * If the voter faced two candidates such that they scored same in Task 2 but their scores in Task 1 were not the same ; Value = 5
Problem 2:
I want to create a variable that sorted by sessioncode Round P2_group_id. For each of these groups, I want to know what type of candidate is selected as the leader. i.e. to generate variable y such that its value can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 depending on the following:
* Situation: If the selected candidate (Leader) scored strictly better than the other Candidate in both tasks ; Value =1 * If the selected candidate (Leader) scored exactly same as the other Candidate in both tasks ; Value =2 * If the selected candidate (Leader) scored (strictly better than the other Candidate in Task 2 AND (worst or same as the Other Candidate in Task 1) ) OR (Same in Task 2 and worst in Task 1) ; Value =3 * If the selected candidate (Leader) scored (strictly better than the other Candidate in Task 1 AND (worst or same as the Other Candidate in Task 2) ) OR (Same in Task 1 and worst in Task 2) ; Value =4 * If the selected candidate (Leader) scored strictly worse than the other candidate in both tasks ; Value =5
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str8(participantcode sessioncode) byte(Round P2_group_id) str6 Role str11 Role_V byte(T1_success T2_success) "06g44vsf" "2bihp1q9" 1 1 "Member" "Voter" 43 18 "pxq9m6zh" "2bihp1q9" 1 1 "Member" "Candidate 1" 29 13 "lb4ax3ma" "2bihp1q9" 1 1 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 27 15 "d4i5hwgv" "2bihp1q9" 1 2 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 43 15 "rnp9cb81" "2bihp1q9" 1 2 "Member" "Candidate 2" 36 9 "awwphjnn" "2bihp1q9" 1 2 "Member" "Voter" 19 6 "ojzfkhb0" "2bihp1q9" 1 3 "Member" "Voter" 41 10 "4n0o2elf" "2bihp1q9" 1 3 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 35 8 "rkay9scw" "2bihp1q9" 1 3 "Member" "Candidate 2" 22 13 "whiblk5s" "2bihp1q9" 1 4 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 45 18 "kox8u5ad" "2bihp1q9" 1 4 "Member" "Voter" 32 12 "whbzw8nj" "2bihp1q9" 1 4 "Member" "Candidate 2" 29 5 "udm3t6zf" "2bihp1q9" 1 5 "Member" "Candidate 2" 40 12 "om1a0s37" "2bihp1q9" 1 5 "Member" "Voter" 34 17 "2w2o6vk7" "2bihp1q9" 1 5 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 33 13 "lxa2cyq7" "2bihp1q9" 1 6 "Member" "Candidate 2" 35 16 "94pg2obl" "2bihp1q9" 1 6 "Member" "Voter" 27 10 "64rwlptn" "2bihp1q9" 1 6 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 23 12 "d4i5hwgv" "2bihp1q9" 2 1 "Member" "Voter" 43 15 "rkay9scw" "2bihp1q9" 2 1 "Member" "Candidate 1" 22 13 "awwphjnn" "2bihp1q9" 2 1 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 19 6 "ojzfkhb0" "2bihp1q9" 2 2 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 41 10 "om1a0s37" "2bihp1q9" 2 2 "Member" "Candidate 2" 34 17 "64rwlptn" "2bihp1q9" 2 2 "Member" "Voter" 23 12 "06g44vsf" "2bihp1q9" 2 3 "Member" "Voter" 43 18 "rnp9cb81" "2bihp1q9" 2 3 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 36 9 "94pg2obl" "2bihp1q9" 2 3 "Member" "Candidate 2" 27 10 "whiblk5s" "2bihp1q9" 2 4 "Member" "Candidate 1" 45 18 "4n0o2elf" "2bihp1q9" 2 4 "Member" "Voter" 35 8 "2w2o6vk7" "2bihp1q9" 2 4 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 33 13 "lxa2cyq7" "2bihp1q9" 2 5 "Member" "Voter" 35 16 "whbzw8nj" "2bihp1q9" 2 5 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 29 5 "pxq9m6zh" "2bihp1q9" 2 5 "Member" "Candidate 2" 29 13 "udm3t6zf" "2bihp1q9" 2 6 "Member" "Candidate 2" 40 12 "kox8u5ad" "2bihp1q9" 2 6 "Member" "Voter" 32 12 "lb4ax3ma" "2bihp1q9" 2 6 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 27 15 "rnp9cb81" "2bihp1q9" 3 1 "Member" "Candidate 1" 36 9 "pxq9m6zh" "2bihp1q9" 3 1 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 29 13 "rkay9scw" "2bihp1q9" 3 1 "Member" "Voter" 22 13 "4n0o2elf" "2bihp1q9" 3 2 "Member" "Voter" 35 8 "2w2o6vk7" "2bihp1q9" 3 2 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 33 13 "whbzw8nj" "2bihp1q9" 3 2 "Member" "Candidate 2" 29 5 "whiblk5s" "2bihp1q9" 3 3 "Member" "Voter" 45 18 "d4i5hwgv" "2bihp1q9" 3 3 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 43 15 "ojzfkhb0" "2bihp1q9" 3 3 "Member" "Candidate 2" 41 10 "06g44vsf" "2bihp1q9" 3 4 "Member" "Candidate 1" 43 18 "lb4ax3ma" "2bihp1q9" 3 4 "Member" "Voter" 27 15 "awwphjnn" "2bihp1q9" 3 4 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 19 6 "om1a0s37" "2bihp1q9" 3 5 "Member" "Candidate 1" 34 17 "kox8u5ad" "2bihp1q9" 3 5 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 32 12 "94pg2obl" "2bihp1q9" 3 5 "Member" "Voter" 27 10 "udm3t6zf" "2bihp1q9" 3 6 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 40 12 "lxa2cyq7" "2bihp1q9" 3 6 "Member" "Candidate 1" 35 16 "64rwlptn" "2bihp1q9" 3 6 "Member" "Voter" 23 12 "lxa2cyq7" "2bihp1q9" 4 1 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 35 16 "kox8u5ad" "2bihp1q9" 4 1 "Member" "Candidate 1" 32 12 "awwphjnn" "2bihp1q9" 4 1 "Member" "Voter" 19 6 "rnp9cb81" "2bihp1q9" 4 2 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 36 9 "4n0o2elf" "2bihp1q9" 4 2 "Member" "Voter" 35 8 "94pg2obl" "2bihp1q9" 4 2 "Member" "Candidate 1" 27 10 "whiblk5s" "2bihp1q9" 4 3 "Member" "Candidate 1" 45 18 "d4i5hwgv" "2bihp1q9" 4 3 "Member" "Voter" 43 15 "whbzw8nj" "2bihp1q9" 4 3 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 29 5 "udm3t6zf" "2bihp1q9" 4 4 "Member" "Candidate 2" 40 12 "om1a0s37" "2bihp1q9" 4 4 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 34 17 "lb4ax3ma" "2bihp1q9" 4 4 "Member" "Voter" 27 15 "pxq9m6zh" "2bihp1q9" 4 5 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 29 13 "64rwlptn" "2bihp1q9" 4 5 "Member" "Candidate 1" 23 12 "rkay9scw" "2bihp1q9" 4 5 "Member" "Voter" 22 13 "06g44vsf" "2bihp1q9" 4 6 "Member" "Voter" 43 18 "ojzfkhb0" "2bihp1q9" 4 6 "Member" "Candidate 1" 41 10 "2w2o6vk7" "2bihp1q9" 4 6 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 33 13 "rnp9cb81" "2bihp1q9" 5 1 "Member" "Candidate 1" 36 9 "4n0o2elf" "2bihp1q9" 5 1 "Member" "Voter" 35 8 "lb4ax3ma" "2bihp1q9" 5 1 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 27 15 "d4i5hwgv" "2bihp1q9" 5 2 "Member" "Candidate 1" 43 15 "lxa2cyq7" "2bihp1q9" 5 2 "Member" "Voter" 35 16 "rkay9scw" "2bihp1q9" 5 2 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 22 13 "ojzfkhb0" "2bihp1q9" 5 3 "Member" "Candidate 1" 41 10 "udm3t6zf" "2bihp1q9" 5 3 "Member" "Voter" 40 12 "whbzw8nj" "2bihp1q9" 5 3 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 29 5 "whiblk5s" "2bihp1q9" 5 4 "Member" "Voter" 45 18 "kox8u5ad" "2bihp1q9" 5 4 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 32 12 "64rwlptn" "2bihp1q9" 5 4 "Member" "Candidate 1" 23 12 "06g44vsf" "2bihp1q9" 5 5 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 43 18 "om1a0s37" "2bihp1q9" 5 5 "Member" "Candidate 2" 34 17 "94pg2obl" "2bihp1q9" 5 5 "Member" "Voter" 27 10 "2w2o6vk7" "2bihp1q9" 5 6 "Member" "Voter" 33 13 "pxq9m6zh" "2bihp1q9" 5 6 "Member" "Candidate 2" 29 13 "awwphjnn" "2bihp1q9" 5 6 "Leader" "Candidate 1" 19 6 "06g44vsf" "2bihp1q9" 6 1 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 43 18 "whbzw8nj" "2bihp1q9" 6 1 "Member" "Candidate 1" 29 5 "awwphjnn" "2bihp1q9" 6 1 "Member" "Voter" 19 6 "om1a0s37" "2bihp1q9" 6 2 "Member" "Voter" 34 17 "94pg2obl" "2bihp1q9" 6 2 "Member" "Candidate 1" 27 10 "64rwlptn" "2bihp1q9" 6 2 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 23 12 "udm3t6zf" "2bihp1q9" 6 3 "Member" "Candidate 1" 40 12 "4n0o2elf" "2bihp1q9" 6 3 "Leader" "Candidate 2" 35 8 "lxa2cyq7" "2bihp1q9" 6 3 "Member" "Voter" 35 16 "d4i5hwgv" "2bihp1q9" 6 4 "Member" "Candidate 1" 43 15 end
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