I just got the following Mata error message when running ado update:
. ado update
note: ado update updates community-contributed files; type update to check for updates to official Stata.

Checking status of installed packages:


    [5] spmap at http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/s:
        installed package is up to date

    [6] sg162 at http://www.stata.com/stb/stb60:

host not found
                 fopen():   631  host not found
            loadupfile():     -  function returned error
  pkg_update_status_sj():     -  function returned error
 pkg_update_status_stb():     -  function returned error
     pkg_update_status():     -  function returned error
pkg_update_status_noisily():     -  function returned error
 extract_update_exists():     -  function returned error
    pkg_chk_and_update():     -  function returned error
                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error
I can access stata.com in my webbrowser, but Stata seems unable to connect to the server. Moreover, it does not seem right to get such a Mata error message instead of a proper Stata error.