Hello Everyone,

I am doing a paired kidney analysis to look at the effect of obesity on post-transplant outcomes (e.g. death). The pairs were transplant pairs where one kidney was allocated to an obese recipient and the other to a non-obese recipient.
For the main analyisis, I used a stratified Cox model, with each pair as a stratum.
Now I am doing a dose response analysis to look at whether more severely obesed patients had a greater risk of death.
So I categorised patient cohort from "not obese VS obese" to "not obese VS obese class I or VS obese class II and III". The pairs remain the same as main analyisis, just with one more category.

My questions are:
1. From the lincom command, there is not enough evidence to conclude that obese II and III patients have a greater risk of death compared to obese class I. However, as the pair was not obese VS obese, I'm not sure if it is correct to interpret obese I VS obese II and III using lincom.

2. When comparing class I to not obese, HR=1.28, CI 1.07-1.66, p=0.008; When comparing class II and III to not obese, HR=1.42, CI 0.95-2.11, p=0.087. I think it is incorrect to say that there's an increased risk of death for obese II and III just because the point estimates are higher as the CIs are overlappping. How should I interpret it correctly?

Many thanks for any thoughts on this. Appreciate any help in advance.

Best Regards,

Below are the output.

 stcox i.obese_cat i.agecat_tx   i.durationcat   i.hlam  i.cv  i.diabetes i.gfstatus , strata(groupid) hr nolog vce(robust) baselevels

         failure _d:  death
   analysis time _t:  (enddate-origin)/365.25
             origin:  time transplantdate
                 id:  id

Stratified Cox regr. -- no ties

No. of subjects      =        3,038             Number of obs    =     836,725
No. of failures      =          601
Time at risk         =  19741.05681
                                                Wald chi2(13)    =      145.49
Log pseudolikelihood =   -255.51969             Prob > chi2      =      0.0000

                                      (Std. Err. adjusted for 3,038 clusters in id)
                  |               Robust
               _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
        obese_cat |
       Not obese  |          1  (base)
         Obese I  |   1.284755   .1213985     2.65   0.008     1.067552     1.54615
Obese II and III  |   1.417494    .289101     1.71   0.087     .9504223      2.1141
        agecat_tx |
           18-34  |          1  (base)
           35-49  |    3.26754    .914541     4.23   0.000     1.887908    5.655369
           50-65  |   5.446535   1.598246     5.78   0.000     3.064372    9.680532
             65+  |   8.810133   2.826903     6.78   0.000     4.697403    16.52369
      durationcat |
           0-1yr  |          1  (base)
           1-3yr  |   1.533406   .3224166     2.03   0.042     1.015505    2.315433
            3yr+  |   2.151468    .455557     3.62   0.000     1.420691    3.258145
             hlam |
               0  |          1  (base)
             1-2  |   1.148471    .502754     0.32   0.752     .4869658    2.708579
             3-4  |   .8541231   .3995813    -0.34   0.736     .3414333    2.136658
             5-6  |   .5942201   .2849043    -1.09   0.278     .2321833    1.520771
               cv |
   No or missing  |          1  (base)
Yes or suspected  |   2.161482   .3009532     5.54   0.000     1.645261    2.839673
         diabetes |
   No or missing  |          1  (base)
             Yes  |   1.863112   .2779249     4.17   0.000     1.390795    2.495829
         gfstatus |
               0  |          1  (base)
               1  |   2.990554   .5347461     6.13   0.000     2.106429     4.24577
                                                         Stratified by groupid

testparm i.obese_cat

 ( 1)  1.obese_cat = 0
 ( 2)  2.obese_cat = 0

           chi2(  2) =    9.87
         Prob > chi2 =    0.0072

 lincom 2.obese_cat-1.obese_cat

 ( 1)  - 1.obese_cat + 2.obese_cat = 0

          _t |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         (1) |   .0983221   .2238869     0.44   0.661    -.3404881    .5371324