I have two variables, q5 and q6. I would like to keep all values from q5 and some values from q6 and create a new variable (q5new) that has all the values I want. For example, my new variable would have 31023 observations for q5new==2. So, I kept only the values I need in q6 like this:
HTML Code:
egen q6_new = anymatch(q6), values(2, 5, 8, 9, 12,16,17,18,19,20,21,26,27,29,30,32,36,38,39,45,46,47,50) 
keep if q6_new
HTML Code:
. tab q5, nol

           |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          1 |     29,899       41.05       41.05
          2 |      2,356        3.24       44.29
          3 |      1,008        1.38       45.67
          4 |      5,274        7.24       52.92
          5 |      2,089        2.87       55.78
          6 |      1,221        1.68       57.46
          7 |      1,398        1.92       59.38
          8 |      1,820        2.50       61.88
          9 |      7,781       10.68       72.56
         10 |     18,882       25.93       98.49
         11 |      1,100        1.51      100.00
      Total |     72,828      100.00

. tab q6, nol

             |    Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          2 |      1,124       23.78       23.78
          5 |         47        0.99       24.78
          8 |         84        1.78       26.56
          9 |         81        1.71       28.27
         12 |        111        2.35       30.62
         16 |         50        1.06       31.68
         17 |        141        2.98       34.66
         18 |         62        1.31       35.97
         19 |        171        3.62       39.59
         20 |         86        1.82       41.41
         21 |        133        2.81       44.22
         26 |        655       13.86       58.08
         27 |         29        0.61       58.70
         29 |         80        1.69       60.39
         30 |         81        1.71       62.10
         32 |        168        3.55       65.66
         36 |         70        1.48       67.14
         38 |        100        2.12       69.26
         39 |        102        2.16       71.41
         45 |         80        1.69       73.11
         46 |        931       19.70       92.81
         47 |         81        1.71       94.52
         50 |        259        5.48      100.00
      Total |      4,726      100.00
Then I tried combining the two variable by using stack command:
HTML Code:
stack q5 q6_new, into(q5new)

. tab q5new

               |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          1 |      4,726       50.00       50.00
         10 |      4,726       50.00      100.00
      Total |      9,452      100.00
But the variable it generated only has two values rather than the desired 34. How can I fix this?