Hello all. I am trying to add additional statistics to a latex table using the user-written command esttab. In the code that follows, the diffse stat shows up as blank in the results table and I am unsure why. I've also tried with the "scalar" option with no luck. Note that the macro `se' is not blank.

eststo m1:reg complete1 trainee_tt trainee_dl i.ind_bin , vce(cluster CoopSN)
lincom trainee_tt-trainee_dl
local diff: display %8.3f r(estimate)
local se: display %8.3f r(se)
if r(p) < 0.10 {
local diff = "`diff'*"
if r(p) < 0.05 {
local diff = "`diff'**"
if r(p) < 0.01 {
local diff = "`diff'***"
estadd local diffb `diff'
estadd local diffse `se'

esttab using "$d9/Tables/tex/cahw/complete_dlvstt.tex", ///
prehead(" \begin{tabular}{l*{1}{c}}\toprule \noalign{\smallskip}") ///
fragment b(%8.3f) se(%8.3f) stats(diffb diffse, layout(@ (@)) labels("Difference" "")) noobs compress nonumb star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(trainee_tt trainee_dl) ///
coefl(trainee_tt "ITT, traditional" trainee_dl "ITT, distance") replace ///
mtitle("\shortstack{Completed training}")
The diffb stat, with stars, and its label show up fine. It also makes no difference whether I add a label for diffse.