Hi everyone,
I would like to ask for some advice on stset-ing my dataset with multiple failures per subject.
The event is 'admission to hospital'. So each subject can be admitted again after they are discharged.
I have set up my data as recommended by the Cleves tutorial for conditional risk set modelling (3.2.4) but when I stset, it only recognises the first line per id' & I get an output for 'single-failure-per-subject-data', with blank cells for the subsequent rows.
. stset end, fail(admit) enter(start) exit(end) id(id)
id: id
failure event: admit != 0 & admit < .
obs. time interval: (end[_n-1], end]
enter on or after: time start
exit on or before: time end
298 total observations
5 observations end on or before enter()
63 observations begin on or after exit
230 observations remaining, representing
230 subjects
31 failures in single-failure-per-subject data
188,425 total analysis time at risk and under observation
at risk from t = 0
earliest observed entry t = 20,698
last observed exit t = 21,792
Any help much appreciated.
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