Dear STATA users,

I want a simple table output in word, however i can't seem to create it by just STATA commands.

Situation sketch:
- Three variables (X,Y,Z)

Command used:
. outreg2 using "Table 1.doc", replace sum(log) keep (X Y Z) eqkeep(mean sd min max)

This is almost perfect, but i also want to add another column containing values from a different test, sktest --> (Prob>Chi2)

Command used:
sktest( X Y Z )

This gives me a matrix of [3,4]

Is there a command in which i can add this matrix to the existing Table 1.doc ?

- I've searched this whole forum and tried many different things like:
1. Adding the whole matrix to the outreg2 function with: addstat(Pvalues,r(Utest))
2. Storing the last column of the matrix and adding it with outreg2: addstat(Pvalues,`matA')

I've been able to add scalars with the outreg2 function, however these will appear as a row.
I've been trying to add this with tabstat, but i haven't been successful with this as well.

I think i may be thinking in the wrong direction.

Kind regards
