Hello, I am trying to store the results of a twoway tab with summary:

tab race_code sex_code if level==0 & naics_econ_sec==0 & ethnicity_code==1 & veteran_code==1 & is_sub_race==0 & employer==1, sum(number_of_firms) nofreq nost

My end goal is to use putexcel and amend several of these tables one after the other in excel. I tried using tabout but it doesn't allow me to merge or append to the right. Using tabout will only append below. Here is what I mean:

I want to run this:

tab race_code sex_code if level==0 & naics_econ_sec==0 & ethnicity_code==1 & veteran_code==1 & is_sub_race==0 & employer==1, sum(number_of_firms) nofreq nost


tab race_code sex_code if level==0 & naics_econ_sec==0 & ethnicity_code==1 & veteran_code==1 & is_sub_race==0 & employer==1, sum(rse_num_firms) nofreq nost


And then use putexcel to export them side by side. Any ideas? THANK you very much!