EDIT: Formatting of tables and code in this post got messed up. View my post below to see correct format of tables and code.

I have an assignment in which I need to print out a table of the following form:
Where diff is the difference between treatment and control group, and the p-value is the p-value of the difference.
So far what I've got is

/* Creating balance table */ sort treatment by treatment: eststo: quietly estpost summarize pre_verb pre_math pre_tot male, listwise esttab, cells("mean sd") label nodepvar This outputs:
pre_verb x x x x
pre_math x x x x
pre_tot x x x x
male x x x x
(x=data irrelevant for the question)
I'm having trouble with finding commands as to just print out the SE of the difference (i.e. one SE) as well as the difference between the means and the p-value. I've been googling for hours to try and find a solution but without luck.
Any tips?