Dear all,

I am working with an imputed data set (M=50, N=1359) and use an ordered logisitc regression (ologit) on my ordinal dependent variable wellbeing well82 (5 levels).
local SESvar "SEX_G2 ib2.class"            
mi estimate, post or: ologit well82 `SESvar'
esttab using "Pap1/Model15_wb3_1.rtf", replace ///
            b(3) ar2 not star obslast
This runs without a problem.
Subsequently, I would like to check the parallel lines assumption of ordered logit regressions. I am failing at this and would appreciate your help. I already installed the brant command as suggested.
To get around the problem of testing the assumption, I have already tested out the gologit2 command as well. Unfortunately without success as the command runs into an error right away.

Thank you!