
I'ma beginner in Stata and I have some questions on observing the jumps of number of observations and dropping the outliers.
So my questions are as follows:

For instance, I have a firm-level panel data which looks like:
Year firm number sector
1993 1 Manufacturing
1994 1 Manufacturing
1993 2 Sevice
1994 2 Service
1995 2 Service
1994 3 Transport
1995 3 Transport
and I want to get a data format as below:
sector 1993 1994 1995
Manufacturing 1 1 .
Service 1 1 1
Transport . 1 1

I would like to know the command for reshaping this data..

If I say that there is a jump: (for instance) for manufacturing sector, in 1993 there are 103 firms, but in 1994, there are 902 firms in total.
In order to observe this, how can I count this firms in order to see the jumps ?

In addition, how can I drop the outliers that has a dramatic jump in my dataset (as manufacturing from my example)?

Thank you very much,