Hi; I am a qualitative researcher who is relatively new to STATA. I have found reading this forum very helpful so far. I have a question, I am trying to tell the statistical significance of means between multiple groups.

I used Kruskal-Wallis H test for a number of activities (all the different activities are scored (1,2,3,4,5) likert style) across the multiple demographic categories (Region with 4 options, Size, with 3 options, Affiliation with 2 options, and Responsibility with 4options). This works great.

However, can i run a similar test for another set of activity variables that are scored as binary (1,0) by the multiple groups? I did run the table using the binary variables and it looks great, but I was concerned that because the activity variables are Binary I might be misinterpreting my table and significance scores.

1) Can i use Kruskal-Wallis Test using Binary Variables?
2) If I cannot, what other test could I run? (ideally that uses multiple categorical groups).

Helpful input is appreciated. Thank you.