So I have just learnt how to use "spmap". And this is my code:
spmap newcasesbyspecimendate using ukla_coord.dta if Date==td(01jul2020), id(_ID) fcolor(Reds) ///
legend(ring(0) position(11) title("Number of new cases" , size(*.8)) size(medium)) legstyle(2) ///
clbreaks(0 100 500 1000 2000 3000) clmethod(custom) ///
text(600000 450000 "01 July 2020", place(se) just(left) size(large))
graph export 20200701.png, replace
Is it possible to make a repeated command so that it could export the graph on daily basis based on the "Date". The exported file would be automatically named "yyyymmdd" format (20200401.png, 20200402.png, etc). The text would be printed as "01 April 2020", "10 April 2020", etc)