Hello everyone,

I am using EU dataset for 27 countries for 5 different years. My goal is to determine what factors are influencing part-time farming in the EU. There are two types of part-time farming. I am running three different regressions. One for all types combined and two for two different types of part-time farming. Basically, the aim is to know what affects each type of part-time farming.

I am interested in using the fixed-effect model for all 3 regressions. But Hausman test suggests a random effect model for the 1st regression and the fixed-effect model for the rest of the two.
However, I want to use fixed effed model for all the 3 regressions.
Can you guys please guide me, how can I use fixed effect model for the 1st one with a scientific explanation? and if I cannot use fixed effects model, how can I explain the difference of model in these regressions?
