I have been dealing with this set of data for a long time, but still can not get to final results.
So at the iterative procedure, when I type in my codes, I only get last estimates not found. Which I cannot see why.
local s = 3 local sd_dif_change_pi = 1 local max_dif_change_pi = 1 while (`sd_dif_change_pi' > 0.01) | (`max_dif_change_pi' > 0.01) { local s_1 = `s' - 1 local s_2 = `s' - 2 local s_3 = `s' - 3 gen trade_`s_1' = tradehat_`s_2' * change_pricei_`s_2' * change_pricej_`s_2' / (change_OMR_FULL_`s_2'*change_IMR_FULL_`s_2') drop EXPORTER_FE* IMPORTER_FE* quietly tabulate exporter, generate (EXPORTER_FE) quietly tabulate importer, generate (IMPORTER_FE) capture ppmlhdfe trade_`s_1' EXPORTER_FE* IMPORTER_FE*, offset(ln_tij_CFL) noconst iter(30) predict tradehat_`s_1', mu bysort exporter: egen Y_`s_1' = total(tradehat_`s_1') quietly generate tempE_`s_1' = phi * Y_`s_1' if exporter == importer bysort importer: egen E_`s_1' = mean(tempE_`s_1') quietly generate tempE_R_`s_1' = E_`s_1' if importer == "ZZZ" egen E_R_`s_1' = mean(tempE_R_`s_1') forvalues i = 1(1)$N_1 { quietly replace EXPORTER_FE`i' = EXPORTER_FE`i' * exp(_b[EXPORTER_FE`i']) quietly replace IMPORTER_FE`i' = IMPORTER_FE`i' * exp(_b[IMPORTER_FE`i']) } quietly replace EXPORTER_FE$N = EXPORTER_FE$N * exp(_b[EXPORTER_FE$N ]) egen exp_pi_`s_1' = rowtotal(EXPORTER_FE1-EXPORTER_FE$N ) quietly generate tempvar1 = exp_pi_`s_1' if exporter == importer bysort importer: egen exp_pi_j_`s_1' = mean(tempvar1) gen change_pricei_`s_1' = ((exp_pi_`s_1' / exp_pi_`s_2') / (E_R_`s_1' / E_R_`s_2'))^(1/(1-sigma)) gen change_pricej_`s_1' = ((exp_pi_j_`s_1' / exp_pi_j_`s_2') / (E_R_`s_1' / E_R_`s_2'))^(1/(1-sigma)) gen OMR_FULL_`s_1' = (Y_`s_1' * E_R_`s_1') / exp_pi_`s_1' gen change_OMR_FULL_`s_1' = OMR_FULL_`s_1' / OMR_FULL_`s_2' egen exp_chi_`s_1' = rowtotal(IMPORTER_FE1-IMPORTER_FE$N ) gen IMR_FULL_`s_1' = E_`s_1' / (exp_chi_`s_1' * E_R_`s_1') gen change_IMR_FULL_`s_1' = IMR_FULL_`s_1' / IMR_FULL_`s_2' gen dif_change_pi_`s_1' = change_pricei_`s_2' - change_pricei_`s_3' display "************************* iteration number " `s_2' " *************************" summarize dif_change_pi_`s_1', format display "**********************************************************************" display " " local sd_dif_change_pi = r(sd) local max_dif_change_pi = abs(r(max)) local s = `s' + 1 drop temp* }
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